This is a collection of the long-term projects that I've completed, and some others that I am working on.Click on the buttons in the tab menu to reveal its contents. ▼
Push the buttons in the tab menu to reveal its contents. ▼
These are the current art pieces & projects that I'm working on! Most art pieces will either be in drafting (0-20%), sketching (21-40%), line arting (41-60%), coloring (61-80%), or finalization (81-100%) phases.
Wanna see me take a project to the next step? Then Sponsor a project today! Visit my Ko-fi & leave a note on which project you wanna sponsor (All totals listed are in US Dollars).Pitch $10 USD or more to my Ko-fi
Thanks to the most recent sponsors!
- 💵 Some Guy sent $10 for Bry & Shy Outfits!
Short Term Projects
(Last updated: March 3, 2025)
Project Name |
Type |
Originality |
Fandom |
Total Spons. |
Start Date |
Due Date |
Progress |
Shirt Logo Commission (for my dad) | Logo | Business/Organization | [Not Applicable] | No Spons. Accepted | Mar. 3, 2025 | Apr. 3, 2025 | Drafting (0%) |
New Capt. Mermsona Banner | Character Illustration | Original Characters | Original | $0 | May 2024 | When it's done | Line Arting (55%) |
Squeezer Model Octoling | Character Reference | Original Characters | Splatoon | $0 | ??? | When it's done | Drafting (0%) |
Agent 4 | Character Reference | Original Characters | Splatoon | $0 | ??? | When it's done | Drafting (0%) |
Friendly Rival Octoling | Character Reference | Original Characters | Splatoon | $0 | ??? | When it's done | Drafting (0%) |
New Picarto Stream Layout | Livestream Layout | Original | Original | $0 | ??? | When it's done | Drafting (0%) |
New Twitch Stream Layout | Livestream Layout | Original | Original | $0 | ??? | When it's done | Drafting (0%) |
Whale Shark Caretaker Inkling | Character Reference | Original Characters | Splatoon | $0 | ??? | When it's done | Drafting (0%) |
Visor Inkling | Character Reference | Original Characters | Splatoon | $0 | ??? | When it's done | Drafting (0%) |
Sweater Octoling | Character Reference | Original Characters | Splatoon | $0 | ??? | When it's done | Drafting (0%) |
Splat Metal Band | Character Reference | Original Characters | Splatoon | $0 | ??? | When it's done | Drafting (0%) |
Blue Sparkling Mermaid | Character Reference | Original Characters | Original | $0 | ??? | When it's done | Drafting (0%) |
Rowdy Charge Tank | Background Illustration | Fan Art | Kirby Air Ride | $0 | 2021 | When it's done | Coloring (64%) |
Long Term Projects
(Last updated: January 20, 2025)
Project Name |
Description |
Type |
Fandom |
Total Spons. |
Start Date |
Progress |
Heart of Ivy | A 160-page WLW romantic tragedy. Ivy is trying to finish a college project, but she frequently gets caught up in a fantasy world to meet a familiar girl. | Graphic Novel | Original | $0 | 2023 |
Scripted! (100%) Line Edited! (100%) Drafting (80%) Finalizing (1%) Art Editing (0%) |
Completed Projects
Click here to open Tap here to open
Project Name | Type | Originality | Fandom | Final Amount | Start Date | Finish Date |
World Map Commission (for Dessgeega) | Landscape Background | Fan Art | [Redacted] | No Spons. Accepted | Jan. 15, 2025 | Mar. 3, 2025 |
Bry & Shy Outfits | Character Chart | Original Characters | Splatoon | $10 | Oct. 2024 | Feb. 26, 2025 |
Mitsuki & Aya | Character Illustration | Fan Art | The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn't A Guy At All | $0 | Feb. 16, 2025 | Feb. 24, 2025 |
Logo Commission (for my dad) | Logo | Business/Organization | [Not Applicable] | No Spons. Accepted | Dec. 2024 | Jan. 28, 2025 |
Maggie x Dime Intimacy | Character Illustration | Original Characters | Splatoon | $0 | Oct. 2024 | Jan. 28, 2025 |
Questions & Answers
I don't understand, how does this work?
- Observe the projects table
- Go to my Ko-fi
- Pitch $10 USD or more
- Add a note stating a project you wanna sponsor
- I will prioritize said project
- ???
- Completion
What happens if I sponsor an art project of yours?
Any project that's sponsored will be prioritized & taken up to the next step! For example, if an art project is already drafted but gets sponsorship money, then I will finish sketching it.
What if an art project does not get sponsored?
I will still get it done...eventually, lol
Sending a sponsorship to my Ko-fi will guarantee that I will make progress on your project of choice as soon as possible.
Can I send a sponorship for multiple art projects?
You can, as long as you send the $10 USD minimum for each project, and you make it Very Clear that you want to pitch it towards more than one project.
I sent some sponsorship money but you haven't taken your art piece to the next step. What gives?
Have some patience, my friend! I have a life and I may not always have time to work on art. Also, each art piece will vary in complexity and could take more or less time to finish a step.
What happens if I make my message private with my sponsorship pitch?
Don't worry, I won't expose the whole message to the public. The only thing I will make public is the project you're pitching your money to.
Hey, heheh >:) I'm gonna sponsor something that's not accepting sponsorships.
Sponsorships sent for invalid projects will instead be factored into my project of choice. Don't try me. 🚫

Daybreaker: When Night Meets Day
In the summer of 2020, I published this short story webcomic, which mainly involves a relationship between a human and a mermaid. In 2023, I reformatted the comic to work as a digital zine and as a standalone webcomic site.
Website • Ko-fi • • Google Play Books • WebToon
Arty Siege
Fandom: Splatoon
Theme: Tableturf Cards
Images Published: March 24, 2023
This project involved making original art based on the Tableturf cards in Splatoon 3.
Project Links:
Farewell Inkopolis
Fandom: Splatoon
Theme: Sending off Splatoon 2
Video Published: July 31, 2022
This project was made as a send-off to Splatoon 2 before players moved on to Splatoon 3. It was a fanzine/multi-animator project hybrid, but I only worked on a part of the animation.
Project Links:
My Video • Final Video • Fanzine • Twitter
Fandom: Splatoon
Theme: Cusine/Cookbook
Image Published: April 26, 2022
This culinary-themed zine allowed artists to draw Splatoon characters eating all sorts of cuisine from around the world. This was even reflected in the cooking and baking recipes that are included in the zine!
Project Links:
Splatoon Meme Zine
Fandom: Splatoon
Theme: Memes
Image Published: April 10, 2021
Exactly what it says on the tin. This goofy fanzine was made to bring together the world of Splatoon and the present-day culture of internet memes.
Project Links:
Fandom: Splatoon
Theme: Weapon Gjinkas
Image Published: February 16, 2021
This fanzine was all about creating personifications of Splatoon 2's weapon roster, otherwise known as gjinkas. I was tasked with designing a character based on the Foil Squeezer, a Shooter weapon that's modeled after a champagne bottle.
Project Links:
Fandom: Splatoon
Theme: The 1st Splatoon game
Image Published: February 15, 2020
This fanzine was dedicated to the very first entry in the Splatoon series on the Wii U.
Project Links:
Color Pulse
Fandom: Splatoon
Theme: Splatfests
Images Published: October 7, 2019
The pieces in this fanzine feature Splatfest themes from Splatoon and Splatoon 2. My piece is based on a Splatfest theme about Pulp Orange Juice VS No Pulp Orange Juice, but it's also adapted from a Pulp Fiction poster!
I also made an additional image for a FinalFest collab between all of the zine's artists.
Project Links:
SpongeBob ZinePants
Fandom: SpongeBob SquarePants
Theme: SpongeBob's 20th Anniversary
Image Published: August 10, 2019
This fanzine was about all things SpongeBob, from the TV show, to the movies, to the musical. My entry was based on a Season 2 episode from the show!
Also, for the credits page, every artist was allowed to draw themselves as a "spongesona" or a sponge-like character that could fit in the SpongeBob world.
Project Links:
Imagine Inkopolis
Fandom: Splatoon
Theme: Inkopolis scenery
Image Published: May 12, 2019
The objective with this fanzine was to draw a piece of scenery in Splatoon 2's main setting, the city of Inkopolis.
This can include battle stages (like my entry, which takes place in The Reef) and other locations you can find in-game.
Project Links:
Artists of Inkopolis
Fandom: Splatoon
Theme: Splatsonas/Original Characters
Image Published: December 10, 2018
This fanzine was made for artists with Splatsonas, or a persona of the artist represented as a character in the world of Splatoon.
My characters, Backcap & Backbeat, were prototypical versions of some newer Splatoon characters that I have refined over the years.
Project Links:
Dice of the Hill
A rhythm-based top-down shooter that was made for the GMTK Game Jam in 2022. This one involves taking control of a dice that changes faces and actions on every beat!